
Fixnums in KCL are those integers in the range -(2 to the power of 31) to (2 to the power of 31)-1, inclusive. Other integers are bignums. Thus 25 factorial (25!)


is certainly a bignum in KCL.

Common Lisp constants related to integers have the following values in KCL.

  most-positive-fixnum = 2147483647 = (2 to the power of 31)-1
  most-negative-fixnum = -2147483648 = - (2 to the power of 31)

  boole-1 = 3
  boole-2 = 5
  boole-and = 1
  boole-andc1 = 4
  boole-andc2 = 2
  boole-c1 = 12
  boole-c2 = 10
  boole-clr = 0
  boole-eqv = 9
  boole-ior = 7
  boole-nand = 14
  boole-nor = 8
  boole-orc1 = 13
  boole-orc2 = 11
  boole-set = 15
  boole-xor = 6

See Chapter 12 of the Common Lisp Reference Manual for their meanings.